Prue Adams is a filmmaker of documentary, education and collaborative community projects, a PhD Candidate in the School of Education at Western Sydney University and member of Sexualities and Genders Research (SaGR)
I see filmmaking as an affective and embodied way of knowing that can disrupt dominant discourses and provoke change. My PhD research investigates how young people's collaborative filmmaking from affect traces unique knowings and becomings of gendered experiences in secondary school and aspirations for change. My research is inspired and informed by EJ Renold's and Anna Hickey-Moody’s innovative work on gender and identity with young people using arts-based approaches to inquiry, thinking with feminist new materialisms.
My research sits within the larger Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project Gender Matters: Changing Gender Equity Policies and Practices in Australian Secondary Schooling, led by Associate Professor Susanne Gannon and Professor Kerry Robinson. Gender Matters investigates the gap in gender equity policy and practice in Australian secondary education, putting the exploration of young people's perceptions of gender using arts-based methods at the centre of the project’s research.
I see filmmaking as an affective and embodied way of knowing that can disrupt dominant discourses and provoke change. My PhD research investigates how young people's collaborative filmmaking from affect traces unique knowings and becomings of gendered experiences in secondary school and aspirations for change. My research is inspired and informed by EJ Renold's and Anna Hickey-Moody’s innovative work on gender and identity with young people using arts-based approaches to inquiry, thinking with feminist new materialisms.
My research sits within the larger Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project Gender Matters: Changing Gender Equity Policies and Practices in Australian Secondary Schooling, led by Associate Professor Susanne Gannon and Professor Kerry Robinson. Gender Matters investigates the gap in gender equity policy and practice in Australian secondary education, putting the exploration of young people's perceptions of gender using arts-based methods at the centre of the project’s research.